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ProBreed Maternal is the ideal breed type for producers who want to maximise their lamb production per hectare, by increasing the number of lambs weaned and their growth rate.  ProBreed Maternal sires are selected for high maternal efficiency and fertility, as well as high weaning weight and post-weaning weight ASBVs.  They are also selected for low birth weight and high survival, to reduce lambing difficulties and losses.  ProBreed Maternal sires are suitable for mating with Merino or crossbred ewes, to produce high-quality prime lambs or replacement ewes. 

Maternal Efficiency and High Fertility Maternal efficiency is the ability of a ewe to produce and raise a lamb, or multiple lambs, every year.  It is influenced by several factors, such as conception rate, litter size, lamb survival, milk production and maternal behaviour.  High maternal efficiency is essential for increasing lamb production per hectare and reducing the cost of production per kilogram of lamb.  One of the key drivers of maternal efficiency is fertility, which is the ability of a ewe to conceive and maintain a pregnancy. Fertility is affected by genetic and environmental factors, such as age, body condition, nutrition, health, season and ram quality.  Fertility can be measured by scanning percentage, which is the proportion of ewes that are pregnant at scanning, and lambing percentage, which is the proportion of ewes that lamb.

ProBreed Maternal sires are selected for high fertility, as indicated by their high number of lambs weaned (NLW) ASBV.  This means that they have the genetic potential to produce more lambs per ewe per year, compared to other sires.  By using ProBreed Maternal sires, you can increase your scanning and lambing percentages, and improve your flock reproductive performance.  Lamb survival is the proportion of lambs that are born alive and survive until weaning.  It is a critical factor for lamb production per hectare, as it determines the number of lambs available for sale or retention.  Lamb survival is influenced by genetic and environmental factors, such as birth weight, lamb vigour, colostrum intake, ewe nutrition, health, predation and weather.  ProBreed Maternal sires are selected for high survival, as indicated by their low birth weight (BWT) ASBV and high weaning weight (WWT) ASBV.  This means that they have the genetic potential to produce lambs that are born at an optimal weight, that are vigorous and have a high chance of survival, and that grow fast until weaning, compared to other sires.  By using ProBreed Maternal sires, you can reduce your lamb mortality rate, and increase your lamb growth rate and weaning weight.

Probreed Maternal Ewe and feeding Lamb

Sheep Breedingis a complex andchallenging activitythat requires planning,management andevaluation.

There are many factors that influence the performance, health and profitability of your flock, such as genetics, nutrition, health, environment and market conditions.  To help you achieve your breeding goals, you need a reliable and trusted partner that can provide you with the best genetics, advice and support.  That partner is ProBreed, the leading sheep breeding company in Australia.  ProBreed offers a range of breed types that are designed to suit different production systems and market requirements.  Whether you are looking for maternal, dual-purpose or terminal sires, ProBreed has the right solution for you.


David & Pixie Heath, Winchelsea VIC
DNA Strand

Maternal Pricing

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