tailored to your unique requirements and guarantee that, when working with us, you will achieve year on year genetic gain.
High Fertility Scanning
High Survival
High Early Growth 1st
100 days
KG Lamb / HA
We're looking for weaning percentages of 180%+ and that's why we stock this type of sheep. The Maternals are stunning in their ability to produce twins and multiples. Their mothering instinct is the strongest I've seen over the years.
David Heath, Winchelsea VIC.
It was the one package to suit the whole operation. It had fertility, fecundability, and also had a finer type of wool... we're definitely producing more lambs going to this Maternal flock rather than a white suffolk.
Tom Lyons, Dundas Park, Vasey VIC.
I've been using Probreed Genetics for over a decade with outstanding results. Very fertile animal, excellent maternal mothering traits, lambing ewes, weight gain, fattening ability, all pluses. They're a really top animal.
Gordon Brown, Shelford VIC.
We’ve seen first-hand how genetics can transform the productivity and labour efficiency of a flock.
Tom Lyons, Dundas Park, Vasey VIC